The following is a summary of the Portico’s 8.19.2021 Member Gathering. 


Portico has been invited to submit a purchase proposal for the building we’ve been leasing since the beginning of 2021. We are presently in the process of negotiating a purchase with the owners. This is both an answer to prayer and a significant responsibility. Expect to hear more in the coming months. Please join us in praying for a solution that provides a stable base of ministry for generations. 


Portico has newly revised and updated bylaws. Although rarely referred to, bylaws serve as a type of operations manual for churches and nonprofits. Bylaws are important because they hold our theological convictions and define how we carry out our mission as a church. Operationally speaking, you shouldn’t notice any day-to-day changes in the life of the church. We plan on enacting the updated bylaws in September. Members should’ve received a copy of the new bylaws by email. If you haven’t received a copy, please e-mail Starr Parnell (sparnell@porticoarlington.org). If you have any questions or comments, please contact Pastor Jason Conner (jconner@porticoarlington.org) or Elder Geoff Peck (gpeck@porticoarlington.org).


There are no changes to COVID safety protocols at this time. We continue to align our protocols with the requirements of the State of Virginia. Here’s a summary of what we are asking Portico attenders to do;

  • Those who are fully vaccinated may attend services without a mask. Even so, all are welcome to utilize a mask for added protection.

  • If you are not fully vaccinated, it is recommended that you use a mask while indoors.

  • Children in service are not required to wear a mask.

  • Volunteers and children participating in Portico Kids (ages 4 and up) are required to wear masks.

  • Children participating in Portico Kids (ages 2-3) are strongly recommended but not required to wear masks.

  • Regardless of your vaccination status, If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please don’t attend service and consult your healthcare professional.

As you know, this is a fluid situation which can change rapidly. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.


Pastor Jason Conner will be on a scheduled Sabbatical Leave for the months of September and October. A Sabbatical Leave is a significant hiatus from pastoral responsibilities for the express purpose of rest and renewal. Portico’s Sabbatical Leave policy has proven to be an investment in the health of our pastors and church. We are excited to see Jason and Christy engage this season of rest as they prepare for our road ahead.