Connect at Portico Church



Foundations is our membership class. Membership recognizes that our commitment to follow Jesus is also a commitment to a local church family, because the Gospel that reconciles us to God also reconciles us to one another.

service teams

By doing simple acts of hospitality together as a family, we live the gospel towards each other and the city around us. We accomplish this through six Service Teams, each described in the form linked below.


Community groups

Community Groups are one of the ways we as a church engage hospitality, discipleship, and care with one another. The church is often described as a family, and for us, this is when the family gets together in various spaces across our community to learn from God’s word, pray, and simply be together.


Men’s Discipleship

The Discipleship Ministry at Portico seeks to provide a framework for disciples to follow Christ in the context of the local church. This community project takes shape in discipleship groups, care teams, and events for both women and men.

Women’s Discipleship

The Discipleship Ministry at Portico seeks to provide a framework for disciples to follow Christ in the context of the local church. This community project takes shape in discipleship groups, care teams, and events for both women and men.