The church has always been called to serve its local community. This is part of what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus where He has placed us. It is our desire to have deep and meaningful relationships with our neighbors, where we can help provide for practical and spiritual needs.
It is through this commitment and service to our local community that we earn the right and privilege to share the good news of the Gospel and empower others to love and follow Jesus.
This is the mission of Serve Arlington - serve the needs of our city and share the good news of Jesus!
Below are the partnerships that Portico Church has established with Serve Arlington. It is our hope that every one of our members can get in on what God is doing in our city by serving one or more of the opportunities provided by these partners. This is one way we embody our values of empowered discipleship, generous hospitality, and gospel influence, and share the love of Jesus with others.
Arlington Bridge Builders
A partnership of area churches with a kingdom mindset that cares deeply for our local community. They connect churches and resources to those in need, while sharing the Gospel and making disciples.
Contact: Sheamus Larkin
Assist Pregnancy Center
A center that exists to promote life through Christ to those vulnerable to abortion. They care for individuals through encouragement, education, and personalized medical and counseling support.
Contact: Amy Kegley
Project Belong
A group that inspires, recruits, and resources the local church in northern Virginia to care for vulnerable children with the love of Christ. They help churches to care for families and children in foster care.
Contact: Jessie Moser
Reformed Theological seminary
A local, reformed seminary that is committed to providing faithful, confessional and theological training to those who would serve Jesus Christ in different contexts around the world as ministers, missionaries, scholars, and lay leadership.
Acts 29
Acts 29 is a diverse, global community of healthy, multiplying churches characterized by theological clarity, cultural engagement, and missional innovation. They exist to plan churches worldwide by recruiting, assessing, training, and supporting church planters.