On Thursday, June 25 Portico Church Arlington conducted a livestream Member Gathering with Q+A. The following is a summary of the session.

When will we resume physical worship gatherings? 
Sunday, July 12

Why now?
We are confident we can comply with all orders and CDC guidelines for religious services. This date allows us enough time to prepare our staff and volunteer teams in the required procedures for cleaning and operating a physical gathering. Lastly, we wanted to see some downward momentum in the virus transmission rate.

Who should come?
Everyone one who is well and ready should plan on attending. If you are sick, exhibiting symptoms or have COVID-19, please do not attend. Here’s CDC guidance on wellness. If you are at risk or are in regular contact with someone who is, please consult your medical professional before attending.  

What should I expect at the worship gathering?

  • We will have 2 services; 9:00 and 11:00 am. The duration of each service will be 1 hour or less. 

  • Masks are required for entry into the building for those who are 10 years of age or older. 

  • The Portico Kids ministry is not operating at this time however, we will have a Mom’s Room and a Wriggle Room for parents to utilize during service. All children are welcome in service. 

  • Social distancing protocols are in effect which require 6 feet of separation between individuals who are not in the same household. Families and households may sit together. Others, should leave a buffer of 2 seats between them. 

  • No coffee service is available at this time and Communion elements are pre-packaged.

Do we need to register for service?
Yes. Social distancing limits the amount of people we can handle at any one service. Therefore, we are asking everyone to register for either the 9:00 or 11:00 service. This will help us stay safe and accommodate everyone. Although this all sounds very daunting, please remember we gather to be together in God’s presence. So, come to worship God and expect to experience His power and presence. As always, please let us know if you have any questions.