Dear Friends,
On Thursday, May 14 Portico Church Arlington conducted a livestream Member Gathering with Q+A. The following is a summary with key takeaways from the session.
Present Situation
In response to COVID-19, Portico Arlington suspended physical worship gatherings in March like churches across our country and world. This response is without precedent in our age. Even still, we have not ceased being Portico Arlington. The Church is not a building, location or even a gathering. The Church is God’s people who are saved by grace through faith. As God’s people have done throughout the ages, we will trust God and adjust to the circumstances around us.
Key takeaways:
We will continue livestreaming worship service for the purpose of “gathering together” under the word and worship. Until such time as we can physically gather together, tune in and worship with us on Sunday mornings.
Community Groups will continue meeting via video conferencing. Stay connected to your CG’s.
Portico Kids will receive supplemental material for the purpose of family enrichment.
Various options are being offered to build up the church (Weekday in the Word, teachings, etc.).
First quarter giving was strong but has weakened in recent weeks. Mercy Fund giving is strong and being used to help those in need.
Moving Forward
Being physically present in gathered worship is an irreducible part of being the Church. We are presently making plans to resume gathered worship as soon as it is safe, legal, reasonable and wise. This will involve changes in our Sunday service to comply with government orders, guidelines and best practices. Because circumstances and guidance change often, we have no firm date of return. We will keep you informed of future plans as they form up. Please be prepared to practice herd humility. Realize that you will be sharing space with people who have very different perspectives, approaches and convictions about how COVID-19 should be handled. Remember, our unity is not found in our approach to this pandemic but rather in our status as co-heirs with Christ. Let’s make it our practice to offer grace and understanding at all times. “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus…” (Philippians 2:3–5).
Key takeaways:
No firm date for a return to physical worship at this time.
We are consulting with professionals, other local churches and network leaders (Acts 29) in preparing our return to physical worship.
Be praying for Portico leaders and the leaders of national and local government.
We will continue to livestream Sunday service even as we transition back to a physical worship service.
We Can Do This
God has prepared Portico for this season. As His Church, we are called to trust the certainty of God’s provision in uncertain times. Every generation has a defining moment. This is ours. Instead of simply enduring this season let’s embrace it, knowing that God’s purposes for us cannot be destroyed when we walk together in faith. This will require courage, an attitude of humility and a willingness to serve others who have been affected by this pandemic. This is God’s will for his Church. Let’s walk in it.
Key takeaways:
Look for ways to serve one another.
Be prepared to go the distance by serving those who will be deeply affected by COVID-19.
Rest in God’s provision and purpose.
As always, it is a joy to serve our Risen King with you. Looking forward to all that God has for us.
Yours In Christ,
Jason Conner
Lead Pastor
Portico Church Arlington