John 20:24-31

Read John 20:24-31

After Jesus raises from the dead, he appears to his disciples. However, there is one disciple who was not there at the initial appearance of Jesus. When Thomas is initially told that Jesus is alive, he responds with disbelief. He wants proof. This is something that most of us can identify with. Especially with seemingly impossible information, we want to see proof with our own eyes, we don’t want to believe something just on face value.

Thomas persists in his unbelief for 8 days until Jesus appears to him and the rest of the disciples again. Jesus does so in dramatic fashion by appearing in the midst of the disciples even though the door remained locked. It was a way of communicating to Thomas just how powerful Jesus was and that there was no basis for his doubt. Thomas would have been with Jesus during the majority of his earthly ministry and would have witnessed countless miracles. Why would it have been so hard for him to believe what his friends had said about Jesus being alive?

With a great deal of tenderness and humility, Jesus reassures Thomas in just the way that Thomas requested. Thomas responds with one of the clearest affirmations of the deity of Christ when he responds by saying, “My Lord and my God!”. Thomas’ faith is restored and he is finally able to see Jesus for who he is. Jesus responds by affirming Thomas’ belief, and also giving a great promise to those who believe without seeing. Thomas’ belief in Jesus would have been completely solidified at his seeing Jesus. His faith had become sight. Jesus promises blessing and the same fellowship for all of those who have even the weakest of faith and without seeing.

John concludes chapter 20 by summarizing the book as a book of signs that is recorded in order to bring about faith. The greatest sign is that of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection and the result of that sign is illustrated by Thomas. We are to know that Jesus is God because he rose from the dead. Our response to having all of this revealed to us in John’s Gospel is to believe in the same resurrected Christ that Thomas touched and who promised that we would be blessed in believing.


  1. Why is the death and resurrection of Jesus highlighted as the ultimate sign by John’s Gospel?

  2. In what ways are you similar to Thomas? What makes the resurrection hard to believe?

  3. Thomas had trouble believing the word of the disciples. We often struggle to believe God’s word… what is hard to believe about the Bible?

  4. How does the interaction with the disciples and Thomas help us in trying to share Jesus with our neighbors?