John 10:1-21

Read John 10:1-21

As the momentum of Jesus ministry continues to build and the reality of “the hour” drawing closer becomes more clear, there seems to be some deep confusion about who Jesus is and what he is doing. Despite the fact that he has healed the paralyzed and the blind. Despite the fact that he has looked into the very hearts of people he talks to, and despite the fact that he has done multiple miracles that only God could do, there is still a ton of confusion about who he is from the “disciples” that are following him.

As if to reassure us, Jesus takes some time to reassure those who are truly his disciples with this teaching on assurance. We know that we belong to him, the Messiah, the one who has come to save the world from sin and death, because we hear his voice. It is only those who hear Jesus’ voice who can be his sheep. And when you are one of Jesus’ sheep, there is nothing that can rip you from his care.

By using the metaphor of Shepherd and sheep, Jesus is connecting his audience to a rich basis in Old Testament scriptures that describe the Sheep-shepherd metaphor. In Ezekiel 34, the prophet provides a detailed description of the failed shepherds of Israel and the need for God to become Israel’s shepherd in order to gather in his flock. In Psalm 23, we learn that for David it is the LORD who is his shepherd, and as a result all of Israel has the LORD as shepherd. Here Jesus reveals himself to be the shepherd. Again, this points to his divine nature as he is Yahweh. Jesus also describes himself as the door through which the sheep come and go, and through which the shepherd will lead the sheep. In doing this, Jesus is showing us the dynamic nature of who he is as both shepherd and door. He continues for us as Shepherd through his sending the Spirit to be present with us and his continued intercession for us at the right hand of the Father. He is the door through which the sheep enter pasture because he provides the only way to salvation and fellowship with God.

For all of us who have heard the voice of Christ in the Scriptures, we can know that we are God’s sheep. And we also know that he is the shepherd who leaves the 99 sheep to find the one lost sheep because each of Jesus’ sheep is of great value to him. We are in his care and we continue to be reminded of that as we obey his voice as revealed in his word.


  1. Describe your experience with “false shepherds” who come to steal, and kill, and destroy. How does Jesus as the true shepherd give abundant life where they fail?

  2. How do we hear the voice of Jesus today? How do obeying God’s word and hearing God’s word relate?

  3. Why is it important that Jesus lays down his own life willingly and no one takes it from him?

  4. What does it feel like to know that you are one of Jesus’ sheep?