Read Revelation 1:1-8
Revelation is for everyone! Unfortunately, Revelation has received a reputation of being intimidating—even scary—for people and has been misunderstood and misapplied in many different ways. However, at its core, Revelation is a letter that is written to Christians in the midst of conflict and persecution as a source of comfort and confidence.
In order to understand Revelation as it is meant to be understood, we need to ask the questions that the original audience would have asked, not questions that we naturally want to know (like who the antichrist is or what the locusts actually represent in our time). The framing question for the book of Revelation is what should the church do now that Jesus is gone and there was increasing persecution and strife occurring in the lives of many Christians spread out throughout the Roman Empire. What does it mean for Jesus to have brought his kingdom in the midst of having a Roman Emperor murdering Jesus’ people for their faithfulness to Christ? How is Jesus ruling over this world?
In the first 8 verses of Revelation, the most important thing that John wants his readers to see is that at the very center of the book of Revelation, and at the very center of all of history, is God, and the focus on Jesus as the one whom has been given all authority in heaven and earth, the one who is sitting on the throne where he directs all of history to bring blessing to his people. When we understand that at the center of Revelation is God and how he is executing his authority through the enthroned Jesus, we are empowered to live faithfully in the midst of a world that is still beset by evil and curse.
Here are some helpful framing questions to guide your reading and discussion of Revelation:
WHAT IS HAPPENING IN REVELATION? Jesus is bringing his Kingdom to full consummation and his Church to full and final victory. Ironically, the doomsday weapon the Church wields is faith in the midst of weakness + suffering.
HOW DOES THE BOOK OF REVELATION WORK? Revelation covers the story from Christ’s ascension (Kingdom inauguration) to His return (Kingdom consummation) seven different times. This story is retold over and over throughout the book, focusing on the differing aspects of Christ’s victory over sin, Satan and death. Why? Probably because the Church needs to watch it over and over to boldly walk in the victory Jesus calls them into. Repeating it seven times also shows the fullness and finality of Christ’s victory (i.e. this is happening and nothing can stop it). Here’s a breakdown of the seven sections of Revelation.
The Seven Churches (1:1-3:22)
The Seven Seals (4:1-7:17)
The Seven Trumpets (8:1-11:19)
The Persecuting Dragon (12:1-14:20)
The Seven Bowls (15:1-16:21)
Fall of Babylon (17:1-19:21)
The Great Consummation (20:1-22:21)
WHAT GENRE IS THE BOOK OF REVELATION? “a prophecy cast in an apocalyptic mold and written down in a letter form.”
What is apocalyptic literature?
It is a specific kind of Prophetic literature
Focus on the source of the Message
Message mediated by heavenly beings
Strong presence of symbolism, dreams, visions
PURPOSE: Give Christians peace, boldness, and confidence in the face of ongoing conflict. Essentially, the book teaches us how to live victoriously in Christ as we wait for final victory (His return).
Discussion Questions
What are you most hoping to get out of studying Revelation?
How does understanding that Revelation is for EVERYONE help you engage it?
Which description of Jesus in Revelation 1:5 stood out to you? How is that important for knowing how Jesus is sovereign and ruling over all history?
What do you think your biggest misconception of Revelation might be?