Read Revelation 21:1-8
The destination of history is a New World. In Revelation 21:1-8 we are given a glimpse of what the finished and eternal product of the redeeming work of Jesus Christ looks like. The heavenly reality is lowered down to earth just as the old earth passes away and is forever replaced by something new, something better, something perfect. This new world is a gift of God’s grace and demonstrates the beauty of who he is as perfect, holy, and good God.
In this new city, God dwells with man without any separation, veil, or distance between them. The God of all comfort is perpetually comforting, sustaining, protection, and providing for the people perfectly. There is no longer even the potential of anything evil disrupting the bliss of union and communion with God. There is no looming threat or possibility that the other shoe will drop. Perfect security sets all of creation free to fully realize its purpose of praising God and proclaiming his glory with a united and resounding voice.
In this passage we receive a promised future that is altogether too good and too grand to fully comprehend. We cannot fathom all of the rich details of what it will be like to live in a land with God in an immediate proximity to us knowing that nothing will be able to disturb or delay our enjoyment of him. All of the grandest treasures of this world are dust compared to the promised new world, and the evil that has attempted to thwart and threaten the realization of God’s promises to all of his creation are stamped out and banished by God’s zeal for all that is good.
What do you find significant about the new heaven and earth coming down from heaven form God? How is this different than the earthly city ascending to heaven?
What are some things that we are supposed to take away from the description of God as a husband and this new city described as a bride?
How does Jesus’ ministry give us a foretaste of this promised New Creation?
What are some of the things that you are looking forward to the most about dwelling eternally with God in this New Creation?
How does this passage about the future change how you should live in the present?