Divine Deliverance


The conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer is a petition for deliverance. There is one request that is expressed in two different ways: first, that God would not lead us into temptation, second, that God would deliver us from evil. This final petition follows the plea for forgiveness and the request for help in forgiving others in a very logical way. There is an implied acknowledgement that not only do we need forgiveness, but once receiving that forgiveness we will continue to fight temptation to sin. Temptation comes from 3 main sources: Satan, our residual indwelling sin, and the draw of the things in the world.

This final petition is a sweet relief to weak and weary sinners. Not only does Christ offer us forgiveness of our sins, he also teaches us to pray for sustenance throughout our Christian lives. Knowing our weakness (Hebrews 2:17) Jesus teaches us to continually coming to him. And when we come to Christ for help in temptation and to seek his deliverance, we know that Jesus will meet us with compassion, tenderness, and power. We have assurance that the penalty of our sins is PAID IN FULL.

Given our helplessness and childlike dependence on God, this final petition is a cry to God for HIM to deliver us and by implication it means that we leave all of our own attempts at self-deliverance behind. Trying to fight evil on our own is a recipe for disaster. Here are 6 ways that we often operate in our own strength against evil:

  1. Infrequent prayer for help in resisting temptation.

  2. Not going to Scripture for specific help regarding our specific weakness.

  3. Praying alone ONLY, never going to other Christians to receive prayer.

  4. Needlessly putting yourself in situations that will tempt you.

  5. Indifference to sin and not preemptively praying for help before you are in temptation.

  6. Neglecting ordinary Christian means of grace: corporate worship, sacraments, singing songs with other Christians, praying with each other, and receiving from God’s word together.


  1. What is temptation? Where does it come from?

  2. What does temptation seek to take away from us?

  3. How can we grow in praying for and with each other?

  4. Where are you operating with temptation and evil in your own strength?

  5. How does the Gospel help in our on-going battle with sin? Why can we know that Jesus is compassionate and merciful to all those who are trusting him?


As you pray, pray for a humble and contrite heart that takes sin seriously, AND has confidence in the perfect mercy and compassion of Jesus. Pray for growing trust that God will lead you out of temptation, and for a growing desire to fully experience deliverance that only God can bring.