The mission of Portico Church is Uniting People to Life in Christ. True life from beginning to end is found in Jesus and our being united to Him. Jesus even said that he came so that we can have life and have it abundantly! Everything that we do at Portico revolves around making and maturing disciples who are both experiencing life in Christ and helping others experience life in Christ.
We want to see people united to life in Christ and living as disciples of Christ for the glory of God, love of neighbor, and as a testimony of God’s goodness to the world. Life in a transient city gives us an opportunity to love and equip people who relocate and continue to love God and love neighbors around the globe. Simply put, we want to see the beauty of the gospel received and embodied by everyone who joins us on our mission as God’s transforming work of redemption continues until he returns!
The Gospel
The gospel is the good news that God’s grace enters our broken world and redeems his fallen creation through the person and work of Jesus Christ. We are saved from our sins by his grace through faith in the finished work of Christ—his life, death, resurrection and ascension—not through our efforts and works. At the heart of sound doctrine is the cross of Jesus Christ and the tremendous privilege that redeemed sinners have in glorifying God because of Christ’s sacrifice. Therefore, we want our hearts, church, and ministry to be deeply rooted in the gospel.
We believe that gospel-believing churches are the hope of the world. As a result, we are a community that is dedicated to seeing gospel-believing churches planted, healthy, and thriving. We partner with several local church plants as well as Acts 29 and Reformed Theological Seminary to continue to spread the Gospel through church planting and sustaining healthy churches.