Jesus is alive, and in a few days, we’ll celebrate his victory! Easter is an occasion to celebrate the resurrection and victory of Jesus Christ over Satan, sin, and death while also seeing lost sheep return home and lost people meet Jesus. We will be celebrating all of Easter week with many different events and hope you can join us! Our desire is that we remember the life and sacrifice of Jesus, but also experience new and renewed life and faith in the Living God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Thursday at 7:30pm
Join us for a guided prayer gathering where we remember the sacrificial love of Jesus, as seen by the washing of the disciples feet, and by the institution of the Lord’s Supper.
Friday at 7:30pm
Come worship with us as we recall the trials and suffering of Jesus culminating with His death. We will reflect on Jesus’ death in our place and revel in His finished work for us.
7 Ways to Prepare for Easter
1. Join us for our Maundy Thursday Service - Thursday, April 1 at 7:30pm
Jesus prepared his disciples for the coming Kingdom by giving them a new command to love one another. Maundy Thursday celebrates this command to love (“maundy” is a shortened form of the Latin term mandatum, which means “mandate”). Portico will commemorate this day by aligning our hearts with God through prayer. Begin the Easter weekend by joining us for the Maundy Thursday Prayer Service.
2. Join us for our Good Friday Service - Friday, April 2 at 7:30pm
Before Jesus rose on a Sunday, he died on a Friday. The Good Friday Service is an opportunity to reflect on God’s death in our place. Good Friday is a time of worship that leads to a deeper appreciation of Sunday’s good news.
3. Join us for our Easter Services - Sunday, April 4 at 9:00am & 11:00am
Easter week culminates by worshipping the Risen Jesus. Services will be held at 9am and 11am, with overflow options for in-person worship. Both services will be live-streamed as well.
4. Ask Others - Extend the invitation
Easter is one of the few times each year when people will go to church with you—if they’re invited. Take a chance, invite someone and see what the Holy Spirit does. Hope is in short supply these days. Let’s call people to the glorious hope only found in the Gospel.
5. Ask God - Pray
Ask God to make much of himself! Ask God to remove obstacles that may hinder people from seeing the glory of God in the face of Jesus. Ask God to give you courage as you invite others to come with you.
Following Jesus is a group project. Part of the joy of Easter is belonging to God’s family. Community Groups are re-launching after Easter.
7. Get Ready to Praise God for All He Has Done
Jesus is risen and we’re going to celebrate! Jesus lived perfectly, died sacrificially, and rose triumphantly. “The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:56–57).
Join us in getting ready for all that's taking place. See you soon!